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Enjoy That Youthful Look.
Dental Implant

Dental implants

Traditionally, the options for fixing a missing or cracked tooth would include extending a restoration that latches onto adjacent teeth (bridge), or wear a removable appliance that can feel like there’s something foreign in your mouth…because there is!  


Nowadays - research in dental implantology has lead to phenomenal advancements, where we can predictably restore natural function and esthetics to your mouth in just a few steps.  As with most things in life, it's all about the details.  Our patients appreciate the meticulous protocol that Lake Forest Modern Dental applies to each dental implant placed, ensuring a long lasting solution that will reward their investment for many years to come.


Click on each picture to learn more:

The Highlights of how Lake Forest Modern Dental prepares, plans, and delivers natural feeling implant restorations include state of the art equipment to evaluate your bone density, position of adjacent teeth and nerve locations,  and current bite (dentition) in order to fabricate a tooth that even mother nature would approve.  


Feel free to ask us how a 3D CT and surgical guide can assist in making your dental implant restoration one of the best investments you could ever make for yourself!

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